Stuart Body Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Following 8 years in the Royal Air Force in my younger years I spent many years living and working in great places such as London and Australia, eventually settling back in Wigan. Gaining my CeMap qualification in 2007 I began my new career here at Winstanley mortgages.

After the onset of a recession in 2008 I left the mortgage world before returning in 2015. I joined up with Martin, Lee and Nicola again at Winstanley mortgages in 2017 having also gained my Equity Release qualification, CeRER, during this period.

Not so interesting facts:

Apart from my looking after my daughter, most of my spare time is taken up with sport. I am still actively playing football (running not walking), golf (as often as possible), and have recently found a love for cycling, which I hope to do more of in the coming years.